Prebuilt AppleIISD V1.2.1 finally available

I haven't posted for a very long time now, but I'm up and well during those strange days (future readers just google the year 2020 😷). The even better news is that since last year I teamed up with Jens who persuaded me to make a new batch of AppleIISD cards, as reported in my previous post . The cards are available preassembled for 59€ excl. shipping. We are trying to get a website online where you can buy the cards. Meanwhile, you can contact me at the Applefritter Forum . I still have not found a solution to the EEPROM problem erasing the first byte every now and then. That is why there still is a jumper to enable writing to the chip. However, this needs to be changed only when changing the card's firmware. I am very pleased with this feature as it gives the user a chance to upgrade to a newer firmware version without the need of an EPROM burner. It has been a huge help in development, too when you don't have to extract the chip every minute to burn a new vers...