
For the past few month I have been developing a storage solution for the Apple II that, to my knowledge, hasn't been done before. A SD card as a hard-drive replacement. It is nearly finished and has (hopefully) only minor issues left to fix. I admit, this doesn't sound neither groundbreaking, nor highly complex, but that is not the goal I am aiming for. I wanted to build something for the Apple II for quite some time, because that is what this computer was originally aimed at. It also gave me the chance to learn more about the hardware and internal parts of ProDOS. Finally I wanted to have a cheap mass storage, that may be assembled quite easily from parts that are not too complicated. Of course, there are already lots of devices that have an sd card and you can choose a floppy image like the or are feature stuffed, but i wanted it to be as simple as possible: ProDOS may access the card directly and boot support shall be provided. Luckily, I remembered André Fachat's S...